Tournament Registration

0. Requirements
To register in the tournament, you must have a MyFPG registration.
All entries are authenticated for registered players.

1. General List of Admissions
After entering the tournament registration page, the general list of tournament admissions is displayed.

This list may also include players registered outside the cut line defined by the organizer (line defined by order of registration or handicap).

If the current date is within the set registration period, the "Admit Player" button is available for registration / registration management.

2. Player Admission - Authentication
You must click Login and enter your Federation number and password.

3. List of Admissions and Remove players
After the correct authentication described in the previous point, the list of players already registered by the authenticated Federation member is displayed.
(Depending on the configuration set by the tournament organizer, a federated member is only allowed to sign up for himself or to register other players as well.)

In this list you can remove a previously admission by clicking on the "Remove" icon in front of each player. Upon confirmation, the player will be immediately removed from the admissions list.

4. Admit Player
To add a new admission, click the "Admit Player" button (only available after the correct authentication described above).

To enter each player, you must enter the federation number in the respective box and click on "Check Player".
After this action the main data of the player is displayed or, if the federation member is rejected/not eligible, the reason of the rejection is displayed.

Depending on the configuration set by the tournament organizer, additional registration information (e.g. lunch, buggy, etc.) will be requested.

After the data entry is verified and completed, click the "Admit Player" button at the bottom of the page.
The registration is completed and the player will be displayed in the tournament entry lists.