To access the Tournament Live Scoring web app, use your ID and Password credentials in one of the following access options and login:

- Player Area (ex.:myFPG): on the tournament day, the link and credentials to access the Live Scoring are available, on myFPG dashboard. Follow the link "click here" and login.

Player Area

- QR Code: if available, you can use the QR Code printed on the card or label.

- Credentials: if available, you can use the access link and the credentials provided by the Club/Organiser.


After logging in, you will see, at the top of the screen, your name, and the name of the tournament.

You can also check further information about the tournament, your registration, and your marker, in "Details" button (Go to Scores -> Tab with your name -> Details)

It does not require any kind of installation by the players.

After logging in the Tournament Live Scoring, you will see the player whose score you are going to register.

- Click on the player's name, or the "Go to Scores" button, to access the scorecard.


- Register the player's hole-by-hole score, using the + or - signs.



- To register an unfinished hole, click "No Score" (if applicable, depending on the competition format).

- Save (it is recommended saving after each update).

- After completing the score, check and certify the score.

Under "Go to Scores", in the tab with your name, you can:

- Check your score as it is recorded by the marker ("Mark "). Only the marker can change the recorded score. Use the "Refresh" button to update the information.

My Score


- You can take notes of your own hole-by-hole score, for information purposes. Stableford points, if available, refer to the score inserted by the marker.

You can also check information about the tournament and your entry, under the "Details" button.

My Score Details

If made available by the Committee, the Live Scoring classification is available in "Go to Scores" -> "Classification" tab.


You can follow the hole-by-hole scores, in real time.

Live Scoring classifications are available, in net or gross, with values relative to:

- Strokes over/under Par, when in strokes.

- Points more/less than 2 points per hole (36 points in 18 holes), when in points.

Live Scoring classifications are temporary and include all entries and apply ties. Tied players are shown first by number of holes played and then by tee time and alphabetical order.

Official results are published by the Committee.

For the certification of scores on an electronic card, as for the marker and the player:

- As the marker of another player, at the end of the round and in the player´s tab check the hole-by-hole scores and certify the score by clicking on the "Sign Score " button. This card will then be signed by the player.

Score sign

- As a player, at the end of the round and in the tab with your name, after your card has been certified by your marker, check the hole-by-hole score and certify your score by clicking on the "Sign Score" button.

Score Finish

Score Finish Confirm

- As a marker of another player's score:

If a correction to the score is required after you have certified it as a marker, and before the player's signature:

- Click on the "Correct Scoring" button, make the changes, and save.

Correct score

- Click again on "Sign Score" to certify the score.

- As a player, after the correction by the marker, update the score and sign it.

It is not possible to correct a score after the player has signed it. Contact the Committee.

Finished Score

- ID: Identifies you as a player in that specific Live Scoring event.

- Password: This is your confidential password to access that specific Live Scoring, also required to certify a score. Do not share it with other players.

- Pin Code: It is only used when the marker needs to be reassigned. In that case, you will give the Pin Code to the new marker, so they can add you to the list of cards.


The Live Scoring module functionalities can also be partially used to assist in a competition where the registration and certification of score is done traditionally through paper scorecards.

To speed up the registration of the scores and the publication of results, the Committee can ask the players to, additionally, register their scores digitally. In this situation, the primary registration and certification of scores is done through the paper scorecards.

After accessing and logging in to the Tournament Live Scoring, you will see your card.

- Click on the "Go to Scores" button to access the scorecard.

Own Scorecard

- Register your hole-by-hole score, using the + or - signs.

Register Own Scorecard

- To register an unfinished hole, click "No Score" (if applicable, depending on the competition format).

- Save (it is recommended saving after each update).

Technically it is possible to add or remove cards you will register, but you should refer to the Committee guidelines.

After logging in, click on the "Add/Remove Scorecards" button:

Add Remove Scorecards

- To add a card: click on the "Add Player" button and write the ID and Pin Code (NOT the password) provided by the player, that will be validated. Confirm and add.

Add Scorecard

- To delete a card: click on the remove button next to the player's name, check and confirm the removal of scorecard.

Although it is not the preferred way to use the system, technically you can register up to 4 cards simultaneously (including yours). Please refer to the Committee's guidelines about markers.

- Add each card, under "Add/Remove Cards" (See "How to add or remove cards that I will register?").

- The scorecard of each player will be available in the respective tab:

Several Scorecards

- Register the scores and sign as a marker. Each player will certify their score, either on their own device or yours (See "If I don't have a device, how can I sign my score?")

- If you are also inserting your own score, your marker will need to certify the score, either on their own device, or on yours.

Sign own Scorecard

Confirm own Scorecard

If you don't have a device, you will need to certify your score using the marker's device.

- The marker will show you the score recorded on their device, certified by the marker.

- Check the hole-by-hole scores and certify the score: click on the "Sign Score" button, enter the player ID and Password and confirm.

Sign without device
Confirm without device